The Monster In Our Backyard

The Monster In Our Backyard

  There’s a monster living in our backyard. It only comes out at night, catching and devouring its prey in an elaborately constructed trap. This monster strikes fear into our hearts; a primal dread that sends shivers up our spines. Ok, this “monster” is actually...
Colorful Colorado

Colorful Colorado

Carol and I recently spent a week traveling around Colorado. Here are a few of my impressions  Wildflowers Crested Butte, Colorado is the self proclaimed “wildflower capitol of the world” and the Snodgrass Trail on the outskirts of town is its epicenter. It’s a lofty...
The Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle

The Hawaiian Green Sea Turtle

Some things never get old. Snorkeling with Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles is one of them. When I’m underwater, turtles usually appear out of nowhere, gliding into my view frame when I least expect them to. I’ll be checking out the coral or some colorful reef fish when out...
Throwing Caution To The Wind

Throwing Caution To The Wind

When I was 22, I decided to move from NJ to California. Two months later my friend Kenny and I were on the road west, traveling to a place I’d never been, that I knew next to nothing about and knew no one. I made a life for myself and am still here. In the summer of...