by Louie Ferrera | Jun 7, 2024 | Nature
Here at Riverfront Park, the Russian River carries small pieces of the forest with it on its slow journey to the sea. Leaves, twigs, bits of fluff, bird feathers and who knows what else. The river’s main current flows close to the bank opposite me in an unending...
by Louie Ferrera | May 15, 2024 | Nature
Crow How black is that crow sitting way up there near the top of that Dr. Seuss-like eucalyptus tree? So black that it looks like negative space; like a perfect crow shape has been cut out of the blue sky to reveal the blackness of outer space beyond. Black licorice,...
by Louie Ferrera | Apr 30, 2024 | Music
I can’t recall for sure exactly when I first heard the Allman Brothers, or who turned me on to them, all I know is their music has been part of my life for over half a century. The Allman Brothers, it seems like they’ve always been there. It was sometime in high...
by Louie Ferrera | Apr 22, 2024 | Friends & Family
Mitch, Andy and I are as close as friends can be. We’ve shared countless blissful times together over the course of our more than three decade friendship. Our annual boy’s weekends are much anticipated touchstones in our lives. The following is an account of one such...
by Louie Ferrera | Apr 10, 2024 | Nature
In a world thoroughly trampled on by humans, “secret” places are hard to come by. A couple of months ago I found one such spot just off the trail here at Riverfront Park Riverfront is one of the more popular of the regional parks in Sonoma County. The location of my...
Happy Birthday Denali & Sam! Enjoy & Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊 So beautiful Louie Man!
Happy Birthday Denali & Sam! Enjoy & Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊 So beautiful Louie Man!
So were you trying to make me cry during my lunch?...Oh so sweet and heartfelt
So true and sweet!
Love this piece Louie! Way to lift yourself and others up!