by Louie Ferrera | Mar 18, 2024 | Friends & Family
On March 6th our precious twins turned twenty. I wrote them a letter. Dear Sam and Denali, So how on Earth did you both manage to turn twenty? The moment of your birth was a watershed event for your mom and I and without a doubt the greatest day in our lives. Two...
by Louie Ferrera | Jan 21, 2024 | Friends & Family
des-tin-y 1. the seemingly inevitable or necessary succession of events. It’s entirely possible that one of the most significant days of your life has come and gone without you noticing. It most likely appeared uneventful at the time but somewhere down the road...
by Louie Ferrera | Dec 29, 2023 | Friends & Family
It’s December 26, Christmas is finally over. All of the major holidays begin and end on their designated day. Thanksgiving, New Years, Halloween…etc they’re all one and done. Sure, there is a lead up to each of these days, but the actual celebrations last just the one...
by Louie Ferrera | Oct 28, 2023 | Friends & Family, Meditations
My mom, Marie Ann (Spadone) Ferrera passed away on October 15. Mom was a strong willed woman, mother and grandmother who would do anything for her family. She gave me so much and I loved her dearly. Thank you for teaching me how to ride a bicycle. You took me to the...
by Louie Ferrera | Sep 17, 2023 | Friends & Family, Meditations
How many ways are there to mark the passing of time? The slow sweep of the second hand as it makes its way around the face of a clock. The imperceptible, glacial movements of the minute and hour hands. The magical transformation of LED numbers as one bleeds into the...
by Louie Ferrera | Jun 2, 2023 | Friends & Family, Music
There’s the family that you’re born into and the family that you choose. Almost everyone has the former but only the most fortunate of us also have the latter. Like all families, there are ups and downs, joy and conflict, we try and overlook the blemishes and burnish...
Happy Birthday Denali & Sam! Enjoy & Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊 So beautiful Louie Man!
Happy Birthday Denali & Sam! Enjoy & Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊 So beautiful Louie Man!
So were you trying to make me cry during my lunch?...Oh so sweet and heartfelt
So true and sweet!
Love this piece Louie! Way to lift yourself and others up!