Vashon Island

Vashon Island

On July 27, Carol and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary. How did I end up with this amazing woman as my life partner? More on that later. Twenty years is a significant milestone so we wanted to do something extra special to mark the occasion. Initially we...
Heaven at the Hog Farm

Heaven at the Hog Farm

About and hour north of Santa Rosa, CA on the 101 freeway, the Welcome to Mendocino County sign promises: “Wilderness, Waves and Wine”. Perhaps another time for us, this weekend we’re here for the music. Self proclaimed hippie icon and Woodstock legend Wavy Gravy is...
The Musician

The Musician

My mom is a musician. There weren’t any instruments in our house when I was growing up. My mom didn’t play the violin or strum the guitar. As a teenager she did play a bit of piano. Mom often spoke of that period in her life. There was a piano in the small flat that...
Mockingbird Music

Mockingbird Music

The Northern Mockingbird is so entertaining. From sunrise to sunset it sings incessantly and I have no idea what its actual voice sounds like. Its palette of sounds is seemingly endless: chirps, trills, whistles, peeps, coos and everything in between. You see the...
On The Occasion Of Your 18th Birthday

On The Occasion Of Your 18th Birthday

When I first met you you were wrinkled and red, covered in that white powdery stuff, fists clenched, eyes closed, wisps of hair dark and damp and plastered to your scalps. A few inches of umbilical chord, your lifeline to mom, was left protruding from your soon to be...
Teenagers On The Move!

Teenagers On The Move!

Our teenage twins are constantly in motion. If you blink, you miss ‘em! Denali Dazzles Denali dazzles when she runs. Pippi Longstocking braids fall past her waist and become scarlet jet trails that fly behind her as she whizzes past. It’s a blur of freckles- hazel...