Hail Dorothy!

Hail Dorothy!

As a child growing up in the 1960’s, the airing of The Wizard of Oz was an annual event not to be missed. It was long before VCRs, DVDs, video stores and online streaming enabled you to watch this iconic film whenever you wanted to. If you weren’t in front of your...
Shelter From The Storm

Shelter From The Storm

After witnessing the horrific assault on our nation’s capitol by Donald Trump’s mob, I felt an urgent need to do something life affirming, so I visited one of my favorite spots in nature. One of the things I love about visiting a favorite place in nature...
A Bibliophile’s Dream

A Bibliophile’s Dream

There’s this wonderful Hobbit hole of a used bookstore in Santa Rosa and it is a bibliophile’s dream. When I walk into Treehorn Books I feel as if I’m entering one of those archaic shops in the Diagon Alley of Harry Potter novels. There are books piled on top of...
Where I’m From

Where I’m From

We’re all from somewhere. Being from someplace is being of that place. Where I’m from is as much a part of me as the color of my eyes and the bouncy way I walk that my friends can identify me by from 100 yards away. I am from the much maligned, often lampooned,...
You’ve Got Mail

You’ve Got Mail

When was the last time you received a letter? I’m not talking about the latest fund raising appeal from Greenpeace or the water bill. I mean an actual handwritten letter. When did you last write a letter to someone? I bet it’s been a while for  both. The ubiquity of...
Paying It Forward

Paying It Forward

When I picked my son up yesterday from his past time job at the local hardware store, he told me about this experience that he had during his lunch break.  Sam walked into Burger King, placed his order and stepped aside to wait for his food. A scruffy young man with...