Second Wind

Second Wind

I’m pretty damn excited to announce the release of my new album Second Wind. This is my third album of original songs. My first effort, 2007’s Lifesongs was a stripped down, all acoustic affair. I played all of the guitar parts and sang all of the vocals. In...
In the Flow at the Hog Farm

In the Flow at the Hog Farm

  The Hog Farm Hideaway is a three day music festival held on a bucolic ranch in southern Mendocino County, California.  The following is my reflection on one particular morning there. There are moments in life when you just get into the flow. Like a slow float...
My Lomaberry Family

My Lomaberry Family

There’s the family that you’re born into and the family that you choose. Almost everyone has the former but only the most fortunate of us also have the latter. Like all families, there are ups and downs, joy and conflict, we try and overlook the blemishes and burnish...
A Hippie At Woodstock

A Hippie At Woodstock

The summer of 1969 was the summer of Woodstock. While the festival was unfolding at Max Yasgur’s dairy farm in upstate New York I was at the Jersey Shore on our family’s annual week long vacation. I was fascinated by it all.  Hundreds of thousands of young people...
A Letter To David Crosby

A Letter To David Crosby

Dear David, Well, you’ve finally crossed over to “the other side”, wherever that is. Perhaps Guinnevere, she of the green eyes and golden hair, was waiting when you arrived. Hopefully your beloved Christine was there too.  David, your music has touched me to my very...
On Demand

On Demand

How amazing is Spotify? Just think, for a small monthly fee I can listen to practically any song I want whenever I want. On demand baby…what a concept. The person or persons who first conceived of online music streaming should be knighted or elevated to sainthood, or...