Great Blue Heron Rookery: My Secret Place

Great Blue Heron Rookery: My Secret Place

In a world thoroughly trampled on by humans, “secret” places are hard to come by. A couple of months ago I found one such spot just off the trail here at Riverfront Park Riverfront is one of the more popular of the regional parks in Sonoma County. The location of my...
A Reimagined Tree

A Reimagined Tree

Our plum tree is almost completely dead, but instead of mourning its loss, we’ve reimagined what a tree could be. Somehow a small cluster of branches at the center of the tree have managed to bloom this spring. Tiny white blossoms have given way to slender green...
Spring Is Here!

Spring Is Here!

Carol and I left for the Sierras on a rainy Wednesday before dawn, returning home after three days of snow and bitter cold to brilliant sunshine and a warm breeze that said, “Spring is here!” with every jingle of our wind chimes. To finally get a clear, dry day after...
The Serendipity of Beach Structures

The Serendipity of Beach Structures

The serendipity of a beach structure always makes me smile. I can see the spontaneity in its design, the helter skelter randomness in the way the various materials were used to construct it. There may have been a conscious effort on behalf of the builders to come to...
The Language of Waves

The Language of Waves

I’m sitting here at Doran Beach with my eyes closed, deep in meditation and listening to the waves in stereo. In the absence of sight, sound is all I have so the sounds of the waves become intensified. I’m hearing four distinctive sounds. First there’s a woosh as the...
A Haven For Birds

A Haven For Birds

I’m watching the birds come and go, they flit and flutter from tree top to branch to feeder. The titmice peck contentedly at the seed feeders until they are supplanted by a larger species like the towhee or golden crowned sparrow. When the magnificent scrub jay with...