Thankful For Autumn

Thankful For Autumn

It’s all about the light. Honey golden and lemon yellow, soft and dreamy it cuts through the reds, yellows and oranges of the autumn leaves, illuminating them like electricity.  When the sun is out on a fall day such as this, the foliage glows as if lit from within....
Our Little Redwood Tree

Our Little Redwood Tree

It was around nine years ago when I first discovered it. Poking out of the ground in our backyard where the kitchen wall meets the ground, this tiny redwood shoot couldn’t have been more than three inches tall. I remember in the spring of that year purchasing several...
Magic and Mystery at Point Reyes

Magic and Mystery at Point Reyes

We gradually make our way along the bluffs, a slow snake, we slither and wind. Limantour Beach gradually dissolves, consumed by the march of fog until it is engulfed in a cocoon of pure white. The trail describes a wide S as it makes its way upward and away from the...
Beach Trilogy

Beach Trilogy

Throughout the years, the beach has been a consistent source of wonder and inspiration for me. The following short pieces all had their genesis on recent visits to Salmon Creek along the Sonoma County CA coast. Barefoot I love walking barefoot. With nothing between...
What I’ve Been Up To

What I’ve Been Up To

I was catching up recently with an old friend during a lengthy phone conversation. After the initial exchange of  pleasantries, she posed the inevitable question, “What have you been up to?” My reply? “I’ve been busy, very busy.” I’ve been busy watching the lilies....
Summer Afternoon

Summer Afternoon

It’s the first real heatwave of summer, the day is languid and lazy. The drone of my neighbor’s air conditioner, the jingle-jangle of the wind chimes when a welcome breeze blows through, the blip-blop of our fountains and the insect like buzz of a small airplane are...