The fragility of life came into pinpoint focus for me last week when I learned of the passing of my dear friend Kim Kenney. How could such a shining beacon of light and love be extinguished so quickly? I last saw her two months ago at a three day music festival up in Mendocino. For Kim and I it was business as usual-we hugged, we laughed, we swilled tequila, we danced wildly to our favorite bands, we simply reveled in each others company. Before getting into my car to head home after the festival Kim and I shared one more deep and heartfelt hug, already looking forward to our next hangout at Camp Loma over Labor Day weekend. How could I possibly have known that this would be the last hug that we’d ever share?

Life is beautiful and heartbreaking, blissful and sad, filled with incredible highs and fathomless lows. This thing that we call life hangs by an oh so slender thread, a tether that can be severed all too suddenly. If ever I needed another reminder of just how precious and fragile life is, Kim’s passing has been the ultimate wake up call.
Listen: Love your friends, love your family, forget about petty differences, don’t hang on to stuff, get to know your neighbors, be kind, be caring, find a way every day to put some goodness out into the world, take chances, don’t postpone joy, hug your kids, tell those closest to you just how much you love them, and tell them often. Above all, live life like there’s no tomorrow because there will come a time when tomorrow will not come…for all of us.
Experiencing the passing of my dear Kimmy is devastating and has forced me to look unflinchingly at my own mortality. Death is harsh and final. Throughout the entirety of human history the question “Where do I go when I die?” has been asked by everyone who’s ever lived. Now Kim knows.
So, maybe she’s at a String Cheese Incident show. It’s midnight on New Years Eve and the balloons are always dropping. Or perhaps she’s at the Greek Theater dancing to the Grateful Dead. The band is deep into one of their 2nd set jams and Kim is riding Jerry’s crystalline guitar notes out among the cosmos. Or maybe she’s just at Camp Loma and we’re all there too, basking in the collective love that we create whenever we’re together. Wherever you are my dear friend I hope that it’s a place filled with as much joy, love and light that you put out into the world while you were still among us. Rest in peace Kimmy. I love you.

Beautiful Louie, thank you. It’s hard to comprehend the vast love that ripples from Kimmy’s spirit, so high, so far, so deep, into the ages. I will always love you, Louie, and I will always love Kimmy and appreciate her presence, now on a purely spiritual plane.
So sorry for your loss, Louie. This past week we had four passings of both old and too young. It’s the time of our lives. And yes, we need to be ready to go at any time. The conversation with family about how we want our bodies dealt with is an important one to have no matter how hard and sad. Im looking into mushroom composting!
Tears, Lou. I didn’t know Kim well, but I knew her from Strawberry and loved her energy. Always saw her dancing with Michelle, even at the revival shows. I’m so very sorry for your loss, and I know you will feel this one for a long, long time. But I love your musings about where Kimmy is now–sure sounds like heaven to me. And we should all make our heaven here while we can–loving each other and doing our best to make the most of every day. Because tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us. Love you, Louie. Hope to see you soon! xoxo
Tears, Lou. I didn’t know Kim well, but I knew her from Strawberry and loved her energy. Always saw her dancing with Michelle, even at the revival shows. I’m so very sorry for your loss, and I know you will feel this one for a long, long time. But I love your musings about where Kimmy is now–sure sounds like heaven to me. And we should all make our heaven here while we can–loving each other and doing our best to make the most of every day. Because tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us. Love you, Louie. Hope to see you soon! xoxo
Beautifully written, Louie. What a wonderful spirit, we are all so blessed to have laughed, dosed, hugged and danced with Kimmy over the decades. Memories to cherish, as her energy continues to warm our hearts.