This stretch along the Russian River, just over the hill from Riverfront Park, at times seems like a river otter highway. It’s a rare occasion when I don’t see an otter or two while I’m here. When I least expect it there they are, but always from a distance. My encounter today with otters was definitely out of the ordinary and unlike any that I’d had in the past.

I was relaxing on these flat rocks a few feet from the edge of the river, it was late afternoon. The group of kids who had been making quite a racket downriver from me had just left. Finally it was quiet. Having just returned to my chair from a refreshing swim, I was drying off on the rocks, digging the solitude and watching the green river on its slow slide to the Pacific. My eyes were closed, my body gratefully soaking up the warmth of the sun when I heard a soft snuffling sound similar to that of a pig. I opened my eyes to find four river otters, their furry heads and puppy dog like faces looking directly at me, from the water just off the edge of the rocks not ten feet from where I sat. Their natural curiosity as intelligent animals must have gotten the best of them, they just had to come and see what this naked human was doing in their house. We looked directly at each other for perhaps 10-15 seconds. I was amazed at how human-like their eyes are. As soon as I made a slight movement they dipped below the surface of the river and were gone. The coolest thing about this encounter was that for those brief few seconds the otters and I had a real connection. I can only wonder what they were thinking. A moment later they reappeared along the opposite bank of the river. I always bring my binoculars when I come here so I was able to watch them for several minutes as they frolicked among the willows and water hyacinth; mom, dad and the kids out for a late afternoon foray. I marvel at the sleekness of their bodies, nature’s perfect design for water travel. I watch them glide effortlessly, disappearing in a flash, only to reappear a moment later further downriver.
Today’s encounter filled me with joy and wonder. I felt blessed to have been chosen by this otter family for an up close and personal visit. This was a magical experience for sure at a place where magic is a regular occurrence.
Happy Birthday Denali & Sam! Enjoy & Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊 So beautiful Louie Man!
Happy Birthday Denali & Sam! Enjoy & Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊 So beautiful Louie Man!
So were you trying to make me cry during my lunch?...Oh so sweet and heartfelt
So true and sweet!
Love this piece Louie! Way to lift yourself and others up!