by Louie Ferrera | Mar 4, 2024 | Nature
The serendipity of a beach structure always makes me smile. I can see the spontaneity in its design, the helter skelter randomness in the way the various materials were used to construct it. There may have been a conscious effort on behalf of the builders to come to...
by Louie Ferrera | Feb 5, 2022 | Meditations, Nature
The beach is a place where a man can feel he’s the only soul in the world that’s real. Pete Townsend Driftwood…bleached bones. Tibia, fibia, a random scattering offered up by the sea, come to rest here. Finger bones, toe bones, skeletal remains of once living things....
by Louie Ferrera | Jan 14, 2022 | Nature
The beach at Salmon Creek on the Sonoma County coast is one of the most spectacular and awe inspiring stretches of sand that I’ve ever set foot upon. My wife and I love this place. We recently spent an afternoon there, it was one of those warm and golden...
by Louie Ferrera | Jul 19, 2020 | Friends & Family
Hanalei Would you like to be part of my barefoot wish? We could walk hand in hand dodging rainbows on the beach in Hanalei with cool rain falling on our heads and warm sand squishing between our toes. Clouds slip past the sun and the rainbow colors become so intense...
by Louie Ferrera | Jun 12, 2020 | Friends & Family, Nature
The sign on Highway 1 for Doran Beach showed that the parking lot was FULL. Since it was late afternoon we figured that some people would most likely be leaving by now so we headed there anyway confident that we’d find a place to park. The road to Doran winds...
Happy Birthday Denali & Sam! Enjoy & Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊 So beautiful Louie Man!
Happy Birthday Denali & Sam! Enjoy & Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊 So beautiful Louie Man!
So were you trying to make me cry during my lunch?...Oh so sweet and heartfelt
So true and sweet!
Love this piece Louie! Way to lift yourself and others up!