The Serendipity of Beach Structures

The Serendipity of Beach Structures

The serendipity of a beach structure always makes me smile. I can see the spontaneity in its design, the helter skelter randomness in the way the various materials were used to construct it. There may have been a conscious effort on behalf of the builders to come to...
Magic and Mystery at Point Reyes

Magic and Mystery at Point Reyes

We gradually make our way along the bluffs, a slow snake, we slither and wind. Limantour Beach gradually dissolves, consumed by the march of fog until it is engulfed in a cocoon of pure white. The trail describes a wide S as it makes its way upward and away from the...
Abbott’s Lagoon

Abbott’s Lagoon

Point Reyes National Seashore, Valentine’s day 2023 The last raindrops drift away, they splatter our windshield with kisses of winter. Grey skies give way to blue, a patch here, a patch there. By the time we begin our hike the storm clouds have retreated to the...