October Rain

October Rain

A week ago Sonoma County, where I live, received its first substantial rainfall of the season. By the time the deluge had passed, nearly 8 inches of rain had fallen over a 24 hour period. It rained last night. I mean it really rained. This was not the fleeting storm...
Fountains Of Life

Fountains Of Life

I’m not going to write about Covid-19 or the delta variant or imbecile anti-vaxers. I will not write about California wildfires or European floods or the myriad other natural disasters fueled by climate change. There’s no way I plan to write about the world situation...
Remembering Rain

Remembering Rain

My wife and I were watching a movie the other night. About halfway through the film, a man pulled his car off to the side of the road to call his wife. He was in the process of leaving a message when it began to rain. The rain started slowly, gradually building in...
Let It Rain

Let It Rain

Let it rain Cats and dogs, pigs and frogs Oodles, puddles, gushers, mushers Let it flow Meander, tumble, rumble A cascade parade Buckets, sheets, fill the streets Let it pour More, more and more Rivers, streams, dreams A wonderful gullywashing downpour A soaking...