by Louie Ferrera | Oct 1, 2020 | Nature
The water in Bullfrog Pond is olive green and still. The breeze, ever so slight, is just strong enough to push a few leaves across the surface; small vessels who’s destinations are unknown. As I approach the lichen spotted and weathered picnic table from where I am...
by Louie Ferrera | Apr 3, 2020 | Nature
It’s a subtle announcement. I mean if you’re not listening for it you’d think it was just another random chirp from one of the many birds that call our part of the world home. But this one is different. This little chirp tells me in no uncertain terms that winter is...
by Louie Ferrera | Jan 27, 2020 | Meditations
It’s not necessary to travel very far from home in order to witness small miracles. Case in point is the view from the large window in our kitchen. The window looks out onto our side yard. In spring and summer most of this area is taken up by a vegetable garden and...
Happy Birthday Denali & Sam! Enjoy & Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊 So beautiful Louie Man!
Happy Birthday Denali & Sam! Enjoy & Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊 So beautiful Louie Man!
So were you trying to make me cry during my lunch?...Oh so sweet and heartfelt
So true and sweet!
Love this piece Louie! Way to lift yourself and others up!